Curs de pregatire profesionala INSOL EUROPE. Modul I - 2-4 februarie 2017 Bucuresti
Stimate doamne si stimati domni,
Va aducem la cunostinta ca, in perioada imediat urmatoare, INSOL EUROPE va lansa prima actiune de pregatire profesionala organizata in Romania: Procedurile insolventei in jurisdictiile din Europa de Est si in Romania.
Cursul, de o inalta pregatire profesionala, va fi sustinut de un grup de experti internationali - din cadrul Bancii Mondiale si Fondului Monetar International - profesori universitari de prestigiu, ce au participat la elaborarea principalelor acte normative privind insolventa transfrontaliera, respectiv:
1. Prof. Ignacio Tirado (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)
- Prof. Irit Mevorach (University of Nottingham, UK)
- Prof. Riz Mokal (Barrister, South Square and (Hon.) University College London, UK)
- Prof. Janis Sarra (University of British Columbia, Canada)
- Prof. Christoph Paulus (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany)
- Prof. Michael Veder (Radboud University Nijmegen, Resor, The Netherlands)
Totodata, cursurile vor fi sustinute si de experti locali, practicieni in insolventa cu o bogata experienta in derularea procedurilor de insolventa. Au confirmat participarea:
1. Simona Maria Milos - presedinte INPPI;
2. Vasile Godanca-Herlea - CITR SPRL;
3. Andreea Deli-Diaconescu - Deli si Asociatii;
4. Irina Sarcane - Target SPRL.
Cursul de pregatire profesionala se va derula in 3 etape, dupa cum urmeaza:
- Modulul I - 2-4 februarie 2017;
- Modulul II - 29 iunie-1 iulie 2017;
- Modulul III - 24-25 noiembrie 2017.
Evenimentul este acreditat INPPI cu 20 de puncte de pregatire profesionala.
La curs pot participa 80 de persoane, in special practicieni in insolventa, judecatori, dar si reprezentanti ai autoritatilor de stat implicate in procedurile de insolventa.
Participantii vor primi la absolvirea cursului diploma INSOL Europe.
Va rugam sa aveti in vedere ca inscrierea la curs se va face in limita locurilor disponibile.
Detalii privind plata gasiti aici: events/book/205
Detalii privind plata gasiti aici:
Mai multe detalii despre program gasiti in prezentarea de mai jos.
Dear all,
We are delighted to introduce to you our INSOL EUROPE High Level Course on Insolvency Law in Eastern European Jurisdictions which is an ambitious training project that for its first edition, will be held in Romania, both for the importance of the jurisdiction's legal tradition and for its recent reforms in the insolvency area.
Our project received the full support and cooperation of the Minister of Justice, Ms Raluca Alexandra PRUNA and from the representatives of the National Institute of Magistracy as they believe we are prepared to assist in Romania's transition to a fully modern, efficient and best practice-compliant insolvency system.
The National Institute for the Training of Insolvency Practitioners chaired by Simona MILOS also ensured the INSOL EUROPE High Level Course on Insolvency Law of full support and already decided to grant 20 points – which is the maximum - for the Continuing Professional Education for Insolvency Practitioners in Romania.
The INSOL EUROPE High Level Course on Insolvency Law will be separated into 3 different modules which will be held on the following dates at CARO Hotel (164 A Barbu Văcărescu Blvd., 2nd district, 020285, Bucharest, Romania):
- Module I. on 2 to 4 February 2017
- Module II. on 29 June to 1 July 2017
- Module III. on 24 & 25 November 2017
The classes will be seminar-based and fully interactive. The training will have a theoretical base but fundamentally a practical approach using a case-study methodology for each module. the objectives of the course will be to convey the main elements of international best practice and to deepen the knowledge and interpretation of Romanian insolvency law.
The course will be opened to approx. 80 professionals involved in the insolvency practice of the jurisdiction, with special focus on high level lawyers and IPs, judges and state officials of the relevant insolvency agency.
The Director of the Programme of the High Level Course, Prof. Ignacio Tirado (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain) formed the following Committee of International Experts who already confirmed their participation:
1. Prof. Ignacio Tirado (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)
- Prof. Irit Mevorach (University of Nottingham, UK)
- Prof. Riz Mokal (Barrister, South Square and (Hon.) University College London, UK)
- Prof. Janis Sarra (University of British Columbia, Canada)
- Prof. Christoph Paulus (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany)
- Prof. Michael Veder (Radboud University Nijmegen, Resor, The Netherlands)
The Committee of International Experts will be in charge of the Module I titled “International best practice and comparative examples” which will provide attendants with a general overview of international standards and best comparative examples concerning the main elements of business restructuring and insolvency. The first 2 days would cover the analysis from a theoretical perspective, although always including the provision of comparative examples of the systems existing in different jurisdictions as well as practical examples of cases and judicial decisions. The final day of this module will include two case study sessions.
The Local Director, Radu Lotrean (CITR, Romania) formed the following Committee of Local Experts who already confirmed their participation:
1. Simona Milos (National Institute for the Training of Insolvency Practitioners)
2. Vasile Godinca (CITR)
3. Andreea Deli (Deli and Partners)
4. Irina Sarcane (Target)
The Committee of Local Experts will be in charge of the Module II titled “An analysis of the main elements of the local system” which will be devoted to the analysis of a selected number of especially relevant topics of the local insolvency system. The specific topics are to be determined based on the special circumstances of the jurisdiction where the training takes place, to ensure a bespoke product is offered to attendants. The classes will take the form of a dialogue between a local and an international expert (from the Committee of International Experts), similar to the dynamics speaker-discussant now already widespread in academic workshops. The local experts will take the lead and the international expert will make comments/provide international examples by way of comparison. The idea of this “dialogue” approach is to engage attendants and to ensure proper theoretical and practical elements are conveyed at a high level.
A local judge and a Romanian professor will complete the Committee of Local Experts.
Module III titled “On line follow-up and case/paper submission” is the final part of the course which will consist of an on-line distant training. Participants will be provided with questionnaires, decisions and cases to solve during a period of 3 months. Correction and occasional on-line tutoring will be made available to participants during the said period. Each participant will then choose a topic of analysis, to be selected among a list of options provided by the Course organisers. They will have to write an essay of about 10.000 words on the topic. A committee appointed ad hoc will review the papers and choose the best for each topic. The committee will be composed of members of the Committee of Local Experts and of the Committee of International Experts. Those selected will present the paper at the final workshop of the course, to be delivered at the end of the year. A national expert will act as discussant of the paper and an international expert will chair the panels”.
Enclosed please find a provisional programme.
The main language will be English with simultaneous translation provided.
The participation fees come to Euros 480(VAT Included).
A discounted rate of Euros 75 per night for bed & breakfast is available at the course venue, the Caro Hotel in Bucharest. To take advantage of this corporate rate, please email Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. and refer to the INSOL Europe course, explaining your preferred method of payment.
If you are interested, please register here: https://www.insol-
Should you have any queries, please contact Emmanuelle Inacio at: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
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